Monday, June 30, 2014

Taiwanese tourist attractions and Japanese Manga (Lunch Presentation Meeting Series #046)

On this day, we had two presenters talking about Taiwanese attractions and Japanese Manga... We manage to move to a larger room with more elbow space... the student from Taiwan, Hsin Yii Ting, presented in Japanese and the Japanese student, Yutaro Higashi, talked in English... both presentations were quite interesting... thirty nine students came to listen, of which thirteen were international students...

Monday, June 16, 2014

‘The Japanese Onsen’ and ‘The Seaport of Qīngdǎo’ (Lunch Presentation Meeting Series #045)

Today, we had two presentations from two students, Moe Yokota and Cong Sai. The first was about a trip to an 'Onsen' (温泉) spot near the Japan Sea side. The second presentation introduced us to the marine city of Qīngdǎo (青島) in China. We had the privilege of enjoying the company of students from Eckerd College and Colorado State University, who are here for a few weeks. All in all, there were 44 people today, with international students numbering at about 16. Next week, we are planning to have Coffee Time... (Lrong)