Monday, April 24, 2017

'Jogjakarta and Indonesia' (Lunch Presentation Meeting Series #085)

Phung Adi Setiadi and Firda Safira Yulianti made a presentation on Jogjakarta and Indonesia for the LP Meeting. They touched on the mystical aspect of the royal palace and on the beautiful beaches that dot the surrounding area. Twenty three students came to listen to the talk. Both of them were dressed smartly in their traditional dress. The MC was Vichhey from Cambodia.

Monday, April 17, 2017

'Kingdom of Cambodia: Nation, Religion, King' (Lunch Presentation Meeting Series #084)

The first presentation for the Spring 2017 Semester began with a talk by Vichhey Nall from Cambodia. Among several things, he spoke on the architectural aspect of Angkor Wat. More than twenty students came to listen to his presentation. This is the first time someone from Cambodia made a presentation in this event.

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Welcome Party, 2017 Spring Semester

Kagawa University International Office today hosted a Guidance Session, followed by a most enjoyable Welcome Tea Party for 70 new international students coming from 13 countries and territories. The Tea Party was attended by over 150 people, including Student Supporters, members of the local community, senior students, and university staff members.

Note: More photos shall be added later on...

April 21st
Ok, finally, I have found time to up-load some more pictures taken during the Welcome Party.... Please share and enjoy! (Lrong)