Announcing the new location of International Office, Kagawa University...
As of January 2018, we are housed at Building 2, in the South Saiwai Campus.
At the moment, we are still fixing up the place... computers, sofas, etc...
We also managed to successfully negotiate to have a dedicated space for students who wish to pray during school hours.
The place is sparkling new, and we are ready for the new 2018 year and many more years to come... (Lrong)
As of January 2018, we are housed at Building 2, in the South Saiwai Campus.
At the moment, we are still fixing up the place... computers, sofas, etc...
We also managed to successfully negotiate to have a dedicated space for students who wish to pray during school hours.
The place is sparkling new, and we are ready for the new 2018 year and many more years to come... (Lrong)